Forensic Psychology

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Do I Need a PhD to Study Forensic Psychology?

Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology (also sometimes referred to as criminal psychology) is another area of criminal justice for which it is highly recommended to obtain a PhD. While masters level forensic psychologists can find work, pay will tend to be lower (many forensic psychologists with a masters degree work in prisons). University level forensic psychologists tend to have a doctorate in the field.

It should be noted that many forensic psychologists (or budding ones) have to sort of "create their own curriculum," by taking classes highly focused on psychology and criminal justice. This would be no problem in terms of a PhD program, as doctorate degrees tend to be self-directed in many universities. It does mean, however, that you must research your prospective institutions and make sure that the classes you need will be offered, or that you will at least be able to conduct the necessary research to obtain your degree.



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