Criminal Justice Salaries

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What Can I Expect to Make with a Degree in Criminal Justice?

Criminal Justice Salaries

As you may have already gathered, the field of criminal justice offers such a broad range of job opportunities that it is impossible to make a blanket statement about what an average salary for a criminal justice professional would be. Basic research suggests that salaries can range from the high $20,000 (for some local level jobs) to the $100,000 (for some federal government positions and/or specialties, such as medical examining).

For information on different salary ranges, research salaries online, at the library, and talk to professionals in the field. Make sure you note in your research whether you are inquiring about the starting level salary or the ceiling level salary for that area of expertise. An additional suggestion is to consider not only salary, but also potential benefits (like educational stipends, retirement, health insurance, career growth, etc.).



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