
What is the Importance of Knowing your Career Plans prior to Obtaining a Criminal Justice Degree?

Ámbito de la justicia penal: conocer sus planes de carrera

Usted debe poner en una gran cantidad de tiempo y la investigación (en la forma de ponerse en contacto con las escuelas, leer la literatura, entrevistando a la gente en el campo) antes de determinar qué área de la justicia penal en el que desea enfocar su educación (y en última instancia de la carrera). Esta decisión puede afectar el nivel de grado específico y el programa al que se aplica. Por ejemplo, si usted está interesado en criminología, es mejor que estar listo para el estudio de largo recorrido, como un Doctorado se requiere. También hay que señalar que el nivel de grado y de tiempo en la escuela no es siempre una determinada precisa de cuánto dinero se hará después de la graduación. Puestos de trabajo y lugar de trabajo varían en términos de escala salarial. La buena noticia es que (la mayoría de los puestos de trabajo de justicia penal, especialmente los que trabajan para el gobierno) vienen con grandes beneficios. Y no se siente presionado para decidir hoy lo que queremos hacer, ya que es mejor tomar un poco más para tomar una decisión y tener una más fructífera y satisfactoria carrera.

Licenciatura en Justicia Penal Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know If An Associates In Criminal Justice is Right For Me?

How Do I Learn About Online Associates Degree Programs in the Field of Criminal Justice?

What Kind of Career Can I Hope to Obtain With an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice?

How Will I Know What to Expect from a Local Level Job with an Associated Degree in Criminal Justice?

What to Expect from State-Level Opportunities/Positions with an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice

How Does the Recent Terror Conflict in the United States Affect Job Attainment with an Associates Degree?

What Should I Expect if I am Interested in a Career in Juvenile Justice?

What Are Other Areas of Specialty to Consider with an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice?

What Kind of Salary Can I Expect to Make with an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice?

How Can I Make A Decision As to Whether the Criminal Justice Field is For Me?

What Can I Expect if I Obtain a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice

How Should I Decide if an Online Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice is Right for Me?

How Can I Determine if an Online Bachelors Program in Criminal Justice is Reputable?

What is a Career Overview of What I Can Expect with a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice

If I obtain my bachelors degree in criminal justice, do I have to work, specifically, in that field?

Do government agencies generally hire candidates with a bachelors degree in criminal justice?

Does a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice offer Areas of Specialty?

How Do I Learn More about Specialty Areas within the Field of Criminal Justice?

How I Determine A Timeline for Obtaining a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice?

What Else Should I Consider Prior to Obtaining My Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice?

What Does a Major in Criminal Justice Mean?

What Can I Expect from a Major in Paralegal Studies?

What Should I Expect If I Choose to Major in Criminology or Criminal Psychology?

What Should I Expect with a Major in Forensic Science?

What Can I Expect from a Law Enforcement Major?

What Can I Expect with a Major in Legal Studies?

What Can I Ex[ect from a Major in Corrections?

What Can I Expect from a Major in Homeland Security?

What Can I Expect from a Major in Economic Crime Management?

What Can I Expect from a Major in Juvenile Justice?

If I get my degree in Criminal Justice, What are My Options in Terms of Working for the Government?

What Type of Job Opportunities are available in Local Level Government with a Criminal Justice Degree?

What are Some Job Options on the State Level with a Degree in Criminal Justice?

What Are My Opportunities in Working for the Federal Government if I Obtain My Degree in Criminal Justice?

What Other Career Opportunities Will I Have with a Degree in Criminal Justice

How Should I Go About Determining which Area of Specialty in which to Work?

What are My Job Options if I am Interested in Teaching?

What Can I Expect to Make with a Degree in Criminal Justice?

How Do I Prepare a Resume for my Job Search?

How Do I Determine if a Criminal Justice Career is for Me?

What are My Options in Terms of Online Associate Degree Programs?

What are My Options in Terms of Online Bachelors Degree Programs?

What are My Options in Terms of an Online Masters Degree in Criminal Justice?

What are My Options in Terms of a PhD Program in Criminal Justice?

What Should I Consider before Enrolling in a Bachelors Program in Criminal Justice?

What Should I Consider Prior To Obtaining My Masters Degree in Criminal Justice?

What are Some of the Top Schools in Criminal Justice?

What are the Top PhD Programs in Criminology?

What is Accreditation and Why is it Important?

How Do I Select the Right Criminal Justice School?

What is Basic Law Enforcement Training?

What Does It Mean to Obtain Criminal Justice Certification?

What is the Criminal Justice Training Commission?

What is the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center?

What Can I Expect if I Go to Police Academy Training?

What are Common Requirements for Police Academy Training?

How Does State Police Training Differ From Local Police Training?

What Other Information is There on Law Enforcement Training Programs?

Where Can I Learn More About Law Enforcement Training Videos?

How Do Training Programs Differ From Degree Attainment?

Can I Obtain My Criminal Justice Degree Online

Why Is It Important for My Online School to Be Accredited?

Do On Land Universities Ever Offer Online Programs in Criminal Justice?

Would I Be Able to Earn a Degree in Public Administration Online?

How Can I Determine the Quality of an Online Degree Program?

Should I Know My Career Goals Prior to Selecting an Online Program in Criminal Justice?

Is an Online Degree a Good Idea for a Career Changer?

What Can I Expect in Coursework from an Online Degree Program?

How Do I Know Which Level of Degree to Consider?

What are the Technological Requirements Needed to Obtain an Online Degree?

Can I Obtain a PhD in criminal Justice Online?

Should I Get a PhD in Criminal Justice?

Do I Need a PhD to Become a Criminologist?

What Is Criminology?

What is Medical Examination?

Do I Need a PhD to Study Forensic Psychology?

What Are Some Other Title's for PhD's in Criminal Justice?

Can I Obtain a PhD in Juvenile Justice?

Can I Obtain a Degree in Public Policy Analysis and Work in the Criminal Justice System?

After Reviewing the Facts, Do I Still Want to Obtain a PhD in Criminal Justice?

What Are the Benefits of Online Degree Obtainment?

What Should I Know About "Criminal Justice" Prior to Degree Attainment?

What is the Importance of Knowing your Career Plans prior to Obtaining a Criminal Justice Degree?

What Should I Know in Terms of Job Attainment About the Criminal Justice Field?

What are Some Common Issues in Criminal Justice?

What Should I Know About Women and Criminal Justice?

What Do I Have to Do to Work with Youth in the Criminal Justice System?

What are Some Important Criminal Justice Terms?

What Do I Need to Know About Finding a Criminal Justice Job?

Is it Possible to Obtain an Online Master Degree in Criminal Justice?

What are the Benefits of Obtaining a Master Degree in Criminal Justice?

What are the Drawbacks of Obtaining a Degree in Criminal Justice?

How Do I Determine if Obtaining a Master Degree in Criminal Justice is Right for Me?

What are my Options When Considering Master Degree Obtainment in Criminal Justice?

How Do I Determine A Specialty Area in Which to Focus My Master Degree?

Is a Master Degree in Criminal Justice Worth it or Not?

Are Internships a Part of a Master Degree in Criminal Justice?

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